Questions & Answers

  • Q What does Liderazgo mean?
  • A Liderazgo is the Latin word for Leadership.
  • Q Can our organisation claim back the skill development levy if our staff attend the training?
  • A Yes, most SETA’s require an organisation to do between 10 – 40% of their training with an accredited provider like Liderazgo
  • Q How can we benefit from group discounts, if all staff have differing training needs?
  • A Liderazgo offers training vouchers which can be purchased in advance at a bulk discounted rate. These vouchers are valid for 12 months from date of purchase and can be redeemed in all regions and for any course.
  • Q Are you able to train our staff in other regions?
  • A Our offices are based in Johannesburg, when required we do travel to other major cities and remote regions for group training.
  • Q Is there post course assistance after the training?
  • A Yes, we will through communities of practice offer support. There is also telephonic and e-mail assistance.
  • Q Are delegates issued with a certificate?
  • A Yes, on completion of the training.
  • Q What makes Liderazgo different from all other training providers?
  • A Our courses have been designed by highly skilled and highly regarded professionals. Our learning interventions are built around leading edge methodologies aimed at translating skills and knowledge into deliverables within the workplace.
  • Q What are your training sessions like and how do you ensure the successful transfer of knowledge?
  • A All our training interventions are highly interactive. There are theoretical components, role plays, discussion activity, practical exercises and feedback sessions.
  • Q What are your trainers and facilitators like?
  • A All Liderazgo training courses are facilitated by friendly, fully qualified and professional subject matter experts. All our assessors and moderators are fully accredited with the Services SETA.
  • Q How can Lean consulting help me?
  • A It is important to understand that Lean is not an event, rather a philosophy or a cultural shift that captures the hearts and minds of the people Continuous improvement, the elimination of waste, keeping the customer at the heart of all you do are some of the core fundamentals. Mini transformation programmes are undertaken comprising of an assessment of your current state and future state. Through collaboration we achieve future state status.

We are accredited with the following institutions

Liderazgo Accreditation

Training Courses

Click here to see our public courses. Training courses include First Aid Level 1, Health and Safety,
Fire Fighting, and Incident and Accident Investigation.

Liderazgo has adopted a Blended Learning Approach.

ETDP Training Courses

QCTO Training Courses

Legislative Training Courses

Accredited E-Learning Courses

Business Soft Skills Training Courses